I have decided, that even though being a housewife is a huge part of my life at the moment, it's not all of who I am. I feel as if I am hiding behind this persona as a self-titled Kitchen Bitch and this needs to quit. So starting as soon as I write in it, I am moving to a new blogger space! And will be saving my favorite posts from this one but overall deleting it.
Yes, I'm still a newlywed (sort of) and yes, I'm still a housewife. The Kitchen Bitch title still works and I still wear it well, however I'm ready for a change. My first two (and a half) years of marriage were very turbulent but things seem to be settling and I'm ready to move on.
So, as soon as I post my newest post on my new blog, I will add the link here, and all of you Phantom Readers can go check it out over there. After a few days, this blog will be taken down.
I'm excited for a change of scenery, even if it's just a website page.
Stay golden.
Here is my new blog Right here! For all your wonder and amusement!! enjoy guys.